Sales 0733422346/7/8/9 Agronomy +263 77 248 3952 & +263 78 430 7294
Providing plant protection chemicals for a variety of agroindustries including tobacco, maize, sugar, horticulture, soya, paprika, cotton, wheat & barley, sorghum, and plantations.
Free and reliable before and after-sales technical advice
Free and up-to-date agronomic advice
Free field visits
Farmer liaison through field days, in-house & on-farm training
Farmer training & awareness campaigns through print & electronic media
Free pamphlets and quick reference guide on agronomy and crop chemical use
Acol chemical
670 leyland Road
New Ardbennie
off Simon Mazorodze Road
Harare, Zimbabwe
Acol chemical Bulawayo
37 plumtree Road
Bulawayo Zimbabwe